Collin Cottrell
I’m a Husband, Father of 3, and lifelong Entrepreneur currently living in San Antonio, Texas. My latest business venture is called High Caliber Hunts which are hunting trips with an impact. We focus on guided experiences for individuals that are working on personal development and want to become part of a community of like-minded individuals that will help them grow in their own life. If you’re a passionate hunter, you know that our love for food is a big part of that passion. I’ve enjoyed cooking all kinds of meals for family, friends, and hunting camps over the years. I’ve always loved how a hunting camp combined with good food brings people together to build deep, meaningful, and long-lasting relationships. As someone who has attended Bacon Bash Texas in past years, I love how it brings bacon lovers together on that same level, to combine our efforts toward a meaningful cause. I’m excited about the opportunity to be part of this year’s event and can’t wait to try all of the amazing bacon-infused appetizers!
You can follow me and my adventures on Instagram @collin_cottrell.