Cindy, VP of Procurement at Snooze, smiling and posing with peace signs in front of a well-stocked bar area. Dressed in a sleeveless black top, she radiates positive energy, embodying her role in the restaurant industry and her connection to the vibrant and community-driven Snooze.

Cindy, VP of Procurement at Snooze

Cindy, the VP of Procurement at Snooze, is a powerhouse in the restaurant industry. With a career that started at 15, she’s worked nearly every position you can imagine—from hostess to corporate trainer. Now, she’s leading the charge at Snooze, whose motto is “Breakfast but Different,” and making a difference by giving back to local communities. Cindy is all about positive energy and unforgettable dining experiences, making her a perfect fit for Bacon Bash Texas.

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